Sunday, 13 May 2012

Get real - no more excuses!

  • Now is the time to take full responsibility for yourself, your body and how you think.
  • It’s time to reflect on how you see yourself and any self sabotaging habits you possess.
  • I cannot want this for you. I cannot get you your results. Only YOU can do this for yourself.
  • You’ve got to let go of your excuses. You’ve used them for so long you probably believe them, you’ve enrolled others to believe them too.
  • If you want to transform yourself, you’ve got to clear these excuses and make way for a breakthrough.
  • Don’t rely on motivation, make exercise part of your day.
  • Three types of excuses:
    1. Internal Excuses: The self talk that goes on between the Jekyll and Hyde in your head. For example: I’m too tired, I’m not motivated, I’m so far gone it’s not worth even trying, I’m too unfit, I might fail, I’ll look silly.
    2. External Excuses within your control: These are excuses prompted by external factors but which you still have some control over. For example I’m too busy,  it’s too hot/cold, I can’t afford it.
    3. External excuses outside of your control: These are external factors that you have absolutely no control over, real emergencies. For example a sick child, family crisis, work crisis. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to get out of these and yes your training or diet may be affected by them.
Wow - we are getting so close to kick off. I'm so excited! I've been thinking about this task for a while but I've been away in Australia (eating lots :S). My boot camp started today so as far as I'm concerned my body transformation starts today! Eeek!

So... excuses. Sigh, I have so many. I tried to write them all down as I used them over the week but then I lost the piece of paper. So lets see what I can do :)

Internal Excuses
  1. I'm too tired
    • Response: Exercise not only motivates me, it helps me sleep. If I feel too tired I still will go to my session and do minimum 10 mins. If I'm still feeling exhausted after 10 mins then I can stop.  
  2. It's impossible for me to go below 75kgs
    • Response: That's only because once I've lost a bit of weight I lose interest and revert to my normal eating habits. If I stick to this, not only will I get below 75kgs, but I will get to my goal weight of 60kgs.
  3. One cheat meal (or even day!) won't hurt
    • Response: In some of these days I can eat more than I should eat in 2 days (maybe even 3). Of course it hurts. If I have a cheat meal I need to do the exercise to work it off!
  4. Everyone eats like this
    • Response: Well sure, everyone who weighs too much might eat like this. But the person I want to be doesn't eat like this and those people that I admire certainly do NOT eat like this.
  5. One missed exercise session won't hurt
    • Response: Everything counts towards my goal. EVERYTHING. When I think this I need to think that every missed session reduces my fitness. I need to keep it up to keep improving
  6. Surely that food isn't as unhealthy as it looks/ it isn't that many calories
    • Response: Come on now Abby, that is just ridiculous. You know very well how many hundreds of calories are in the things you eat, and if you don't - look it up!!
  7. Being overweight runs in my family
    • Response: Yes your family might be overweight but that isn't because of body type. Look at Ben and Dad who worked hard and now have lost a lot of weight and kept it off easily. There is no such thing as a fat body type! Our bodies are built to be lean.
  8. My body carries 80kgs better than others - so I don't really look 80kgs
    • Response: Ok, this is just ridiculous. Not only are you short - making it worse but you have a low self confidence when it comes to photos of yourself and not fitting your clothes. You clearly realise you are overweight and everyone can tell!!
  9. I'm not motivated
    • Response: Fair enough, but go to the gym for 10 mins and then decide. If you are not feeling motivated about food, buy a frozen meal if you have to (or sushi, or salad!)
  10. I'll never be skinny
    • Response: Losing weight is a science. Of course you will if you follow the plan. No cheating. It's only cheating yourself. Really there is no excuse. JFDI!

External Excuses within my control
  1. I'm too busy
    • Response: Lets be honest. I'm never too busy. If my work out is at lunch, and I'm busy on the weekend I can just stay back. If my work out is on the weekend and I am too busy then I can just be late for whatever it is I want to do. The weekend is MY time.
  2. It's raining
    • Response: Ok this does happen a lot in Auckland, especially in the upcoming Winter. But just go to the gym or do a workout DVD. Try for a min of 30 mins on the work out DVD and keep going if you can. I know they aren't the best work out fun, but they work. Don't complain about the small space in the house, you can watch it in the bigger bedroom!
  3. I don't like exercising in direct sunlight
    1. Response: Well wear a hat, sunglasses and sunscreen and you will be good to go. You know you secretly feel amazing after a day time work out!

External Excuses outside of my control
Hmmm to be honest, these excuses are the minority. I'm much more of an internal excuses girl and not having a family or overly stressful job hardly any emergencies come up. However, if they do, I'll make up that work out during the week.... I'll record how often this is happening if it is happening so that I can hold myself accountable.

Writing this out really makes you realise how stupid some of your excuses are. To be honest, I'm sure I have more so I'll keep adding them as I think of them. It's clear the most of them are internal which is interesting, but I suppose most people are similar. Does anyone else have the ridiculous excuses that I have?

I bought protein bars and shake today. Do many of you do that? It's easy snacks which is great, but at the same time, I feel like if I have one shake for my morning snack and one for my afternoon snack - where does the fruit come in? I'm not really a protein breakfast smoothie person so I stick to my museli. I guess I could have fruit on museli... anyway as always, any tips are appreciated!

-- Abby x

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